TG534 caught fire on engine start up on the ground at Schleswigland, the fire spread and the aircraft was burnt out on 6th April 1949 during the Berlin Airlift on forward detachment from RAF Dishforth.
TG510 made a wheels up landing on the 19th May during the Berlin Airlift but was subsequently repaired to fly again.
TG611 this was the RAFs last crash during the Berlin Airlift and occurred on take off from Tegel Airport (French Sector) on 16th July, it is thought there may have been incorrect tail trim on take off (or, I have heard an engine failure) resulting in the deaths of five RAF personnel.
No. 53 Squadron joined the Berlin Airlift from August 1949 and 297 Squadron from September 1949.
During this winter in the Berlin Airlift, Hastings were tasked with flying in salt in canisters underslung the belly, this was when the Short Sunderland flying boats couldnt land on the nearby frozen lakes.